First Annual BEE Comedy Show a Huge Success, Next Fundraiser Set for Nov. 1
BEE to Host Next Fundraiser at B2B in Nob Hill
Albuquerque, NM Sept. 29, 2015: Laughter could be heard through the walls of the Moose Lodge, where Burqueños for Education and Empowerment (BEE) hosted its first annual comedy show last month. The event featured local comediansAnthony “Animal” Garcia, Jamar Hall, Robert “Buck D” Gipson, and headliner Anthony A. from Kiss 97.3.
The show had a great turnout and provided much entertainment to the attendees, who received a ticket discount if they donated school supplies. Because of the donations, BEE was able to provide school supplies to students and teachers at Nuestros Valores Charter High School, Los Padillas Elementary School, and Pajarito Elementary School.
“It was great to see such a great turnout for a night of laughter,” said BEE’s President Matthew Salas. “But it was even better to see the school supplies being donated. It was a win-win for those who attended the show and we thank them for that.”
To continue the momentum generated at the comedy show, BEE is excited to announce that on Sunday November 1st, BEE will be hosting a fundraiser with B2B (Bistronomy B2B: Burgers 2 Beers) as part of their Giving Back Sundays program, where a portion of sales are given to local non-profits. Members of BEE will be at B2B, located at 3118 Central Ave. SE, from noonuntil 9pm to greet and thank attendees for their support. This event will continue BEE’s efforts to raise money for scholarships for Albuquerque–area students.
BEE is set to award scholarships in the spring with the scholarship to be made available for applicants later this fall. Please continue to follow BEE for updates on our Giving Back Sundays event and for more information on our upcoming scholarship. We hope to see you November 1st!
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